Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Reason Why I Smile....


Today one of my fellow followers on TWITTER asked me why I'm smiling.. and if I'm always smiling. I feel I need to explain further. See I have smiled often ever since I was a little girl. Truth be told.. I used to get in trouble for smiling so much.. When I was nervous I smiled.. when I was in trouble I smiled. When I was angry I smiled.. when I was actually happy I smiled. Today I choose to smile because a smile seems to help me get refocused on what is important in my life.. My family, my friends, my beliefs, are all important to me.. When I smile.. if I'm having a bad day.. it reminds me of a time with things weren't so bad.. or how funny it was when things were bad and I was smiling...LOL.. That can really trip a person up when they know that they are completely wrong and you shoot a smile at them...LOL.. It totally catches them off guard..LOL.. The only thing that kind of annoys me about my smile... is that my 8 year old daughter has picked up my habit of smiling no matter what the situation.. which means there are MANY times when she is straight in trouble, and she sits there with this smile on her face....it just isn't cool at all.. yet then I look up and thank God for showing me exactly what my mother went through.. and that I have the opportunity to raise a Lady that will know the joys of smiling..just like me.. so keep smiling.. See a pic of my joy below..smile.

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