Saturday, March 28, 2009

How I grow my Twitter Following Part 2

There are several ways to maximize your Twitter Experience. In Part 1 I shared how I received 1000 followers in 5 days. The following applications help my following grow, and make my experience extra I hope you enjoy every application as well. First goto Tweetdeck and download it. Tweetdeck allows you to see updated friend status', reply's, directmessges, your favorites, and searchs on one screen. It si an excellent way to kick out your 25 reply's per day. As you locate firends with really interesting tweets you can make them a favorite and follow them in a separate column on the "deck". It is awesome..

Another great application is AWESOME.. smile. This site allows you to shorten your links/URLs and then keeps track of the stats of those links.. Now if you are in business this site is a MUST. Why?? It gives you real time numbers on how many people are actually hitting your links as you tweet them out to twitter. You can also use these links on your other marketing tools as well.. smile. Let me show you how this works.. If you are not following me on Facebook.. goto and follow Once you clicked there I can goto my back office and see how many clicks this site has.. AWESOME.. right..

Ok.. I know you are loving this.. here is another nugget.. Check out Tweetlater. This site allows you to automate your twitter account. You can set up your account to automatically follow everyone that follows you.. and at the same time unfollow everyone that unfollows you. You can set it up to send a direct message to everyone that follows you.. ie "Thanks for following me.. I look foward to your tweets" You can even upgrade your account and send out tweets throughout the day.. even when you are not on the system.. HOT Check it out..

Another little nugget for you.. Check out TWOLLO . Here you can set up the system to automatically follow people with the same interest as you. You can also set it up to unfollow people with interest that you are not interested in hearing about. So if you are in let's say "The Berry Tree" and you want to find and follow people who are tweeting about this topic. Then you can set this up to do just that. Nice

And last but definitely not least.. check out TwitterCounter. Here you can watch your growth. Get an idea of your ranking on the Twitter System. Use this as a way to see how people are ranking on the system. I currently ranked 3,329 out of like millions of followers.. Now keep in mind.. the system ranks us based on who uses Twitter Counter.. so check it out..and get your ranking.

Well guys there you go.. keep striving and I hope this helps you receive more and more followers.. Keep tweeting and let me know how you liked this article.. Go ahead and send me a tweet.. and have a fabulous day.. and as always keep smiling..