Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Do You Buy?? Hmmm.. keep smiling

How will Traffic Exchanges Help Your Online Business??

Greetings Everyone it's Traffic Exchange Time..

As the Online Marketing Angel and a single mother of 2..smile. I strive to find FREE ways to market online. Now "newbies" need to understand that FREE online marketing is possible, yet it takes longer to see results. And usually you spend more time in front of your computer.. smile. Yet it is possible to put in the work and see great results. I am living proof..smile. Now, Let me explain clearly.. YES I spend money marketing online. I am a strong believer that you must spend money to make money. I just also know that you don't have to 'break the bank' to become an online success..smile.

Now to traffic exchanges.. many join traffic exchanges thinking that they are going to generate all these leads. This is absolutely FALSE. Traffic exchanges are meant for simply 'exchanging traffic'. A way to get lots of hits to your site as to rise in the search engines and allow your site many views by more humans vs. bots. Am I saying that you will not generate ANY leads with Traffic Exchanges.. no.. I'm simply saying you should not join one expecting leads. Use a Traffic Exchange for what it is for.. to generate hits to your site.

I use several traffic exchanges to generate hits to my pages.. If you are totally new to online marketing, then you will find my Traffic Exchange Video very useful. I will post it later this week.

Another great thing about Traffic Exchanges.. They are great affiliate programs. As you share your favorite traffic exchange (which you want to do, because the more people surfing on your favorite traffic exchange, the more hits to your site) you can generate a small income by referring.

This week is Traffic Exchange Week.. Let's get to work.. Check out some free training on my YouTube Channel.. Part 1 is ready for your viewing NOW!!

Keep Smiling